

The Contrasting Beauty of Lanzarote

Of the seven Canary Islands, Lanzarote is one of the most popular and unique. The island is located off the coast of Northern Africa and has a warm and sunny climate year-round. Full of outstanding natural and cultural attractions, this…

Northern Spain: Historic Castles and Caves

Castile and León is an autonomous region in Spain located between Madrid and the northern coastline. Many historical landmarks can be found there, in big cities, quaint towns and the countryside. Visitors can take in stunning beauty as well as…

Fascinating Qualities of Portuguese Cork

Cork is an incredibly valuable commodity for Portugal. About 50% of cork worldwide is grown dating back to use by the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians, Assyrians, Phoenicians and Persians. The highest quality cork comes from the cork oak tree,…

Happy Client: Jessica Griscavage

Thank you Verónica for making this such a wonderful and memorable trip for us.  Your care, knowledge and attention made us feel so welcome on our first trip to Portugal (and Audrey’s first trip to Europe!).  Your friends,  Hans, Jennifer…

Valesa Event

Check out photos from our latest FAM TRIP for 10 luxury advisors in March.  A journey from Madrid, through Segovia and Burgos to Rioja wine country and finally the Basque Country.  History buffs and Food/Wine travelers will love this great…

Happy Client: Mr. Adams

Hi Jennifer,  I just heard from Mr. Adams…he raved about how fantastic all the arrangements for the transfers and tours were with Valesa!  Everyone in his group commented on how great their guide was!  (and she bought them treats at…

Meet our newest Valesitas

We are a diverse team of all ages and special interests lending to the wealth of knowledge, shared fun and contacts on our team. Professional singers, sommeliers, foodies, fishing fans, flamenco dancers and much more make up our great team.…

Spain and Portugal’s Finest Seafood Delights

Almost entirely surrounded by water, Spain and Portugal’s Iberian Peninsula boasts endless coastline for some of the world’s freshest seafood and most beloved traditional dishes that go back for centuries. Don’t miss the markets, fishing villages, and an abundance of…

Savoring Spanish & Portuguese Cheeses

Spain and Portugal boast world renown gastronomy including great cheeses, some found in tapas or sold in the various open-air markets. With evidence of production dating back to prehistoric times, cheese has been produced on the Iberian Peninsula throughout the…

Valesa Helps Morocco

Valesa Cultural Services has been working in Morocco for the last 15 years, and we believe in responsible tourism everywhere we work. Last September most of you recall the earthquake that took place in Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains, an easy…