Taking care of Valesa staff has always been our top priority. Richard Branson and Simon Sinek reiterate the importance of staff first on a regular basis, and of course we see the fruits of our focus throughout our long history. In fact, Valesa Cultural was the first DMC to reopen after the pandemic on June 1, 2021 with 80% of our original staff returning. We are so grateful for their loyalty and all they do, know, learn and keep doing even though we are all on overload. No small feat!

In January 2020 we moved our office to the central square of Madrid, indeed Km0 of Spain- all roads lead here in our Uber-central and popular location where we see all the action. So, in January 2024 finally it was time to upgrade our digs to match our incredible location, coupled with our new logo- everyone is thrilled and coming into the office more than ever. HURRAY!