Everyone knows that Spain makes incredible wines, and this history of winemaking goes back centuries. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there is more than one way to enjoy this drink. Come with an open mind and try drinking from one of these practical, historic vessels:
Porrón – A truly fun and unique way of drinking wine is through a porrón. It is a glass jar with a base that holds the wine and a long, pointy tip that is used for pouring. You just tip the jar so that it pours directly into your mouth! This important piece of Spanish culture was traditionally found at social gatherings and festivals since it doesn’t require glasses for drinking and it’s easy to share. Today, you may see porrones at some bars and large gatherings. Not only is it fun, but using a porrón also aerates the wine, allowing you to savor the specific flavors and aromas.
In the region of Galicia, traditional establishments serve wine in a cunca. It’s a shallow, white ceramic bowl with a large surface area that allows the wine to aerate quickly.

A similar version of this is called a cacho and it’s found in the region of Asturias. It’s a large wooden bowl that was typically used in local wineries. It was convenient because everyone drinks from the same cacho, and the wood is treated in such a way that enhances the properties of the wine. You don’t even need to wash it!
Clay cup – Some traditional taverns in Spain serve wine in a small, glazed clay cup, usually dark brown in color. These thick cups are perfect for keeping the wine at its ideal, cool temperature.
Bota – One of the most typical vessels that’s been used for centuries is the ‘bota’. It was typically worn by men who work in the fields. It is a soft, curved pouch usually made from animal hide with a mouthpiece and a cord for slinging over your shoulder.

You use the bota in the same way as the porrón, tilting it slightly to pour the wine directly into your mouth. This makes it easy to share with others and it was typical to see this item during outdoor celebrations. Its ability to withstand the heat and keep the wine at a cool temperature was very useful, and it was even used to transport other liquids such as oil, milk, or water.